Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Week 12
Glogster allows users to create an interactive online poster called glogs by adding images, videos, audio and text.  Glogster helps students build knowledge by allowing them to create their own meaning of the content and displaying it to others.  Teachers are drawn to glogster because it can be applied to any content area particularly in ELA. For example, you can easily add text and a rubric that students can see.  You can also create a glog that includes all the assignment information for the students to access.  Glogster can also promote collaboration and higher-level thinking by engaging students to address their needs regardless of their levels and allowing you to differentiate assignments.  It also allows students to express themselves in an artistic way and encourages collaboration amongst students to help each other.  

Link to glogster:

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Week 11 Assignment #1

The article “Using VoiceThread to Promote Learning Engagement and Success for All Students,’’ examines how VoiceThread has created opportunities for teachers to discover new methods for teaching and new ways for students to show their understanding of the material.  The article focuses on explaining VoiceThread and how it can be used in all grades and subjects.  It also concentrated on three students’ profiles and how it helped those students, all who have different learning styles and needs.  It showed that VoiceThread allows students to practice listening and speaking and provides the teacher the ability to hear every student.  It also gives students the ability to hear themselves speak which can lead to better articulation.  VoiceThread also allows you to integrate several media such as pictures, audio, video and text to improve and support language.  It can also be used to support students with learning disabilities and special education services by encouraging participation, they can work at their own pace independently and gradually provide information rather than all at once.  VoiceThread can help create a positive learning environment for students that are beneficial to their individual learning style and support them in their success.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Week 10


Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Week 9 assignment #1
New literacies that evolved from new technologies including text-messaging, blogging, social networking etc. has changed our communication skills not just with students but adults as well.  Blogging is one form of interaction that can be beneficial for developing conventional and new literacy skills.  Blogging can be a good way for teaching and learning literacy because it can be used in all subject areas and it showcases our creativity.  According to the article “The Impact of Using Blogs on College Students Reading Comprehension and Learning Motivation”, the results of the study conducted did not support that using blogs enhanced new literacies, but it did have a positive effect on the way students interact with each other.  The article also touch basis on how important it was for not only students but adults as well to learn these new technologies in order to be successful now and in the future with our changing technologies.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Week 7 Assignment #2

Second life can be incorporated in ELA instruction to enhance the curriculum by identifying and describing the new literacy skills that players of virtual worlds engage in during their interactions.  New literacies skills such as collaborating, problem solving, creating information, reading multimodal texts etc., are all implemented in new digital media.  Every child is unique, and every student does not learn the same way, therefore there should be more than one modality for kids to learn in a lesson.  SL brings the lesson alive; students talk about their learning (think, pair, share), they can create visual representations and make use of new media.

Week 7 Assignment #1

Theories and Practices of Multimodal Education

Multimodal learning is teaching concepts using multiple channels of information that communicates in some type of way to learners.  Some examples are pictures, audio, music, colors etc. The article “Theories and Practices of Multimodal Education: The Instructional Dynamics of Picture Books and Primary Classrooms” focus on how teachers can utilize multimodal texts to create new roles for the student as well as the teacher.  Multimodal learning in early childhood education, can help support early learning experiences and create opportunities for real expression and in the quality of education programs.  Students can engage themselves and take control of their own learning journey by the different modes of expression.  By integrating multimodal practices in early childhood years creates an approach in different learning styles. Interests, and abilities of each child.

Second Life
Second Life is an internet based virtual world where people interact through avatars and engage in a variety of activities.  In the article “Using the ADDIE Model to Design Second Life Activities for Online Learners” emphasis on how educators can use instructional design standards to strengthen second life learning.  The article also emphasis on the use of ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) to help the instructor create learning tasks and to make sure that second life operates as a method in teaching and learning.  Instructors should study how second life activities connects to the course and what a second life user can do in the virtual world.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Week 6 Assignment 2.2
With Edmodo, teachers can give manage all their activities in one place.  They can give assignments, quizzes and surveys to students.  Educators can browse through a wide range of content connected to a specific topic.  They can also monitor students and give awards for their accomplishments.  Teachers can essentially bring the classroom online; they can connect with one another by sharing ideas, problems and helpful tips.  Edmodo essentially takes the ideas of social network and enhances them and makes it appropriate for the classroom.

Week 6 Assignment 2.1
Both articles focus on the incorporation of new literacies and social networking sites into the classroom to better instruct students.  The article “Middle School Science Teachers’ Confidence and Pedagogical Practice of New Literacies” discusses improving teacher and student access to technology in order to develop new literacies within scientific questions.  The article also focus on strategies teachers can use to apply their ICT skills to support the ways students learn.  In “Using Social Networking Sites to Facilitate Teaching and Learning in the Science Classroom”, examines how teachers can use social networking sites in their classroom in a positive way to help support students so they can utilize their technological skills in the area of sciences.   It discusses the usage of spreadsheets, charts, graphics and videos to help students research, communicate and express their ideas through ICTs.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Week 5 Assignment #2

There are many benefits of using games and game design in the classrooms.  I believe with the incorporation of games; it increases student’s motivation to learn and they become more engaged in the assignments.  Games enable students to work and compete with one another.  It creates a positive experience for students in the classroom, not only does it increase class collaboration, playing games improves their attention to detail and how to be alert and attentive.  This helps students to stay focused, have fun and be less stressed.  Additionally, there are games that are designed to increase memory in which students must remember important details about a topic by memorization.  The usage of games also helps students improve their strategic thinking.  Since most games require students to solve problems and plan out different strategies, this increases their mental cognition and stimulates the brain.  Games are also a great way to learn new content by making connections with what they already know and strengthen their understanding of the material.  I find that games are a wonderful way to review lessons as well as a great self-assessment tool in which the teacher can evaluate how much a student has learned.  Games can be a great classroom management resource in many aspects, so teachers should try and incorporate games to support learning activities.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Week 4 Assignment #1
1.       What gaming elements provide users the learning content and how?
Text:  In Syllable Slurp, words containing different syllables are displayed. They are matched to the correct syllable by clicking on a chameleon to match the correct syllables.

Visual-graphic elements:  Contains very colorful graphics such as neon colors to catch attention  

Audio elements:  Contains music along with a slurping sound that kids will enjoy; also has a different sound when an answer is correct and incorrect

2.       What is the goal of the game?  The goal is to match the correct words along with their number syllables.

3.       What are the rules of playing this game?  You choose any chameleon by clicking on them, when a word shows up, there are eight tries per round.

4.       Does this game have any scenario design?  No.

Week 4 Assignment #2

ELA Lesson Plan
Grade Level:  Kindergarten
Common core standards and learning outcomes:
RFSF:3. Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. a. Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary sound or many of the most frequent sounds for each consonant. b. Associate the long and short sounds with common spellings (graphemes) for the five major vowels.
SLS: 3. Ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood.
RFSF: 2b. Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words.
SL:6. Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.
Instructional activities: This game helps develop language both oral and written by breaking words into syllables which help students read words more fluently and helps them spell correctly.

Assessment:  Students are being tested while playing, the game tracks correct and incorrect answers.

Debriefing: The game Syllable Slurp is great for helping students decode by syllable.  Students can practice by being engaged with sounds and visuals. 

What cognitive skills does this game cultivate?
1.       Attention sustained-helps students stay focused for a long period of time
2.       Memory-students can recall information
3.       Auditory processing: enable students to analyze, blend and the division of words
4.       Visual processing: enable students to think using visuals
5.       Processing speed:  students will perform task quickly and effectively, also promotes coordination

What new literacies does this game cultivate?
1.       Digital literacy; with the usage of tablets, computers, smartboard
2.       Game literacy; helps with navigation skills and fine motor skills  

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Assignment #1
The three articles all discuss literacy instruction through technology.   The term “new literacies” relates to new types of learning through digital technology.  New literacies include developing online reading comprehension skills, that is needed by the internet and other information communication technologies (ICTs} through video and audio sites, blogs and e-mail.  Students are not just reading but they are able to explore the web, find and evaluate information, communicate and attain skills that are essential to their life.  Technology is constantly changing, and it connects with the way we read, write and communicate.  As time passes, learning has changed and its impacted by technology.  The internet and other ICTs are being used in learning polices around the world. It is important for educators to adapt to the changes; however, it can be difficult since many teachers are used to the old way so to speak before the integration of technology in the classroom.  Educators should attend workshops to study new strategies that use ICTs in the classroom.  It is also essential that parents get involved as well by working with teachers and students to understand the new literacies and how they can learn and benefit from it as well.  We as a whole need to prepare our children for these changes that’s taking place now and changes that are to come.

Assignment #2
Which ideas from the PPT reflect what the ELA teachers you interviewed are currently doing to integrate technology with their literacy instruction?
The ELA teacher I interviewed currently uses iPads in her classroom with literacy.  With the IPads students can go on different apps.  There is an app that is specifically catered to learn about shapes and building blocks for the little ones.  There others that are designed to develop literacy through music and games.  There are websites that’s fun for kids and helps them develop multisensory skills through pictures, words, and coordinated movements.  Students are having fun and learning at the same time.
How can you help change their instructional practices to include the use of technology and the internet in their literacy and content-area curriculum?
I am not sure at this point whether I can help change any instructional practices since I see that teachers are developing and using technology within their lessons.  I see many using the IPads, different apps and other ways to integrate technology.
What professional development and/or resources will they need in order to make these changes?
I always recommend that teachers attend workshops and professional development to be aware and be trained on how to integrate technology in their classroom.  It’s always great to do research and educate yourself about new technologies and how you can implement it in your classroom.
What ideas do you have for grouping students so they will have equal access to technology in the classroom?
I personally don’t like to group kids with the same levels together.  I think it’s good to group higher level students with lower levels students so they can help and learn from each other.  This is a good way to have student interaction, social skills and they are able to achieve higher academic standards.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

My name is Hemranie and this is my first year at NYIT.  I am currently a Teacher's Assistant.  I previously worked for Touro College for approximately eight years as a Testing Coordinator.  I am both excited and nervous to embark on this new journey to become a teacher.  I love working with children, being in the classroom brings me so much joy and I wouldn’t change that for anything!